martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Recent study elaborated that men who smoke have increased risk of experiencing
erectile dysfunction
and more they smoke, the risk is bigger. Study experimented the relation between cigarettes and erectile dysfunction. Researchers included in the study participants between 35 and 75 years without any vascular disease. Report says that there was a significant relation between number of smoked cigarettes and the possibility of them experiencing erectile dysfunction and according to this study almost 25% of cases of erectile dysfunction was linked to cigarette smoking.

                    Cigarette Smoking can Cause Male Impotence - Smoking Cessation

How does cigarette cause male impotence?

If you are a long-term smoker you can expect serious deposition and blockage in the arteries to arise in later life. These arteries carry blood to various organs, including the
. When nicotine reaches the brain, it causes rapid contraction in the penile tissues. This symptom, known as acute vasospasm, restricts blood flow into the penis. When nicotine is in the bloodstream, it causes damage to the valve mechanism. Nicotine also minimizes your ejaculation volume and damages sperm motility. Cigarettes contain polonium, which is one of the many of radioactive particles that work to destroy sperm.

Probable treatments for impotence and quitting smoking

There are many impotence treatments including
Viagra and Cialis
on the market today. However, the first line of treatment and the best advice for any smoker suffering from impotence is to quit smoking. Chantix and Zyban are 2 prescription medications that are available for smoking cessation. If you do not want to rely on impotence drugs to correct erectile dysfunction later in life, it is advised that you consult your doctor over either Chantix or Zyban, to quit smoking in a short-term period.